Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 2010 Dividends Portfolio Update

No. StockLotsDividends CollectedAverage PriceNet Price
1) SPH3$0.00 $3.71
2) Starhub6$550 $2.27 $2.18
3) M13$0.00 $2.210
4) UOB KayHian3$0.00 $1.67
5) Capitamall Trust3$278.40 $1.70 $1.61
6) Suntec REIT2$262.40 $1.33 $1.20
7) CACHE Logistics
3$73.00 $0.950 $0.925
8) CitySpring
 Infrastructure Trust
3$63.00 $0.61 $0.59
9) K-Green Trust3$0.00 $1.087
10) Saizen REIT3$7.80 $0.16 $0.16
11) First Ship Lease10$61.55 $0.455 $0.45
12) Parkway Life REIT1$0.00 $1.620

Total dividend collected:$1,437
Total Invested Capital:$58,732
Dividend over Capital: 2.45%
Total Capital Appreciation: $4445

*Note: Blue-coloured stocks are blue chips :P, Green-coloured stocks are REITs / Trusts 

November was a rewarding and fruitful month for me. The dividends had started to roll in again. I received $255.39 in total from Capitamall Trust, Suntec REIT, CACHE, and First Ship Lease. Nom...nom...nom... yummy dividends! >_<

As shown in my previous posts, my holdings in FSL, K-Green, CACHE and UOB KayHian have increased. I have also added PLife REIT into the portfolio as my first healthcare stock. 

Gonna reap more dividends in 2011!

However, capital appreciation has declined compared to last month.

Looking Forward to December 2010:
December is going to be even more bountiful for me. I will be getting dividends from SPH, Starhub and CitySpring. 

It feels really great and satisfying to see my passive income stream growing bigger every year :)

Year-end bonus gonna boost my cash reserves substantially. I will probably start conserving cash in the next few months and wait for opportunities to enter the market again.

Please let me know your thoughts by commenting below.

Peace out,
Dividends Warrior


  1. Here's wishing you a good cashflow in 2011.

  2. Hi Joemeister,

    Thanks for the well wishes! :)

  3. Planning on more CitySpring?

  4. Hi JW,

    I will do more research on the Basslink issue before loading more CitySpring.

    Anyway, I will focus more on building up my cash reserves in the short-term. Waiting to load SPH below $4 after Ex-Date.

  5. Same here for CitySpring.

    I have about $25k cash reserves ready to attack SPH too! Ka-chaa!!!!

  6. Hey JW,

    Great minds think alike! I will be posting on SPH soon. Stay tune:)

  7. Hi Warrior, Just wondering do you have any plans to consolidate your portfolio ?

    I see u have 2 shipping trust, 2 Infra REITs.
    It seems like you might have over-diversified.

    Just 2 cents of my thoughts,

    For small caps, I might drop others to focus on Cityspring, FSL & Parkway Reit for it's yield+strong parents+potential of capital appreciation.

    For mid-caps, I love your choice of Cache, SUNTEC and CapMall due to Positive Office and Industrial Rental Outlook+Largest REITs in town. In fact I have both Suntec and CapMall. Industrial i'm into AReit and MIT.

    For the Big Boys, I'm also heavily vested in SPH.

    I'm super KS, thus I'm usually invested in dividend-yielding companies with strong parents (preferably GLC linked).

    Have Fun counting $ into 2011 !

  8. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I appreciate it.

    You can read my mind! Yup. I am in the process of consolidating my portfolio. Going for more quality, less quantity. I will blog about the details at a later date.

  9. i like your sph n m1..dividend plus capital appreciation..


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