Monday, December 27, 2010

December 2010 Dividends Portfolio Update

No.  Stock Lots Dividends Collected Average Price
1.  SPH 3 $600 $3.71
2.  Starhub 6 $850 $2.27
3.  M1 3 $0.00 $2.210
4.  UOB KayHian 3 $0.00 $1.67
5.  Singapore Post 2 $0.00 $1.15
6.  Capitamall Trust 3 $278.40 $1.70
7.  Suntec REIT 2 $262.40 $1.33
8.  CACHE Logistics Trust 3 $73.00 $0.950
9.  CitySpring Infrastructure  Trust 3 $94.50 $0.61
10.  K-Green Trust 3 $0.00 $1.087
11.   First Ship Lease 10 $61.55 $0.455
12.  Parkway Life REIT 1 $0.00 $1.620
13.  First REIT 3 $0.00 $0.675

*Note: Blue-coloured stocks are blue chips on the Straits Times Index

Total dividend collected $2,368
Total Invested Capital $62,577
Dividend over Capital (%) 3.78%
Dividends per month (2010) $197.33

As shown in the table above, I have loaded up 2 lots of Singpost at $1.15 and 3 lots of First REIT at $0.675 in December 2010. At first, I considered focusing all my resources either on Singpost or First REIT. Both counters were experiencing a dip (XD for Singpost and Rights Issue for First REIT). In the end, I decided to spread my resources and got both. I am glad I did because Singpost will give my portfolio a stronger "foundation" while First REIT provides attractive yield and exposure to the strong medical industry growth.

Most of my counters are performing fine in December. The exceptions are CitySpring and K-Green, both of which are still in the red. But I decided against averaging down because I do not want to increase my holdings in both counters at the moment.

I received $300 from Starhub, $31.50 from CitySpring, $61.55 from FSL and $600 from SPH. As a result, passive income increased to $197.33 per month for the entire year 2010. This figure is calculated through dividing the total dividends received by 12 months.

Looking Forward:
My objective of "More Quality, Less Quantity" will stay. I will elaborate more about this in my "Financial Resolutions for 2011" post. 

I would like to wish everyone a Prosperous and Happy New Year! :)

Please feel free to share your opinions by commenting below :)

Dividends Warrior,
Peace Out


  1. Happy New year to you and thanks for sharing

  2. Hi there,

    A very Happy and Prosperous New Year to you too! ^^


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